The Clarkson Brand
The @ClarksonUniv Brand Story
我们是esball国际平台客户端黄金骑士队. esball国际平台客户端家族盾牌的简单纹章反映了esball国际平台客户端毕业生从全方位教育中获得的自信,这种教育点燃了跨学术领域和行业的个人联系,创造了企业家的心态, 创新与世界相关的解决方案和培养未来领导者所需的知识和求知欲. 毕业生的薪水在全国排名前2%,并实现加速的职业发展. Among our 43,000+ alumni, one in five already leads as a CEO, senior executive or owner of a company.
以我们的名字命名的托马斯·S. Clarkson, "无须羞愧的工人,这是我们作为一所新型学校在1896年开学时所选择的座右铭,这所学校将技术丰富的课程与自由教育相结合,以满足美国人民的真正需求. Today, as a private, national research university, 通过教学,我们是技术教育和可持续经济发展的领导者, scholarship, research and innovation that invests in a better future for our global world.
#ClarksonIgnite is our catalyst for exploring, creating and achieving what's next. It is every Golden Knight's call to action and the framework we use to fast-track innovation in an open, University-wide environment. With powerful intentionality, we collide disciplines, 激发求知欲,为每位学生及其团队提供解决行业挑战的工具, 市场需求和个人目标. 学生磨练创业思维, skill sets and experiences that are transferable to future careers in the rapidly evolving economy. esball国际平台客户端的创新中心提供全校范围的服务, highly personalized access to the support networks for innovation and entrepreneurial ventures. 我们在整个大学提供协作创客空间和实验室,让我们卷起袖子,直接挑战传统,超越现状.
For information on the University brand and usage of our new logo and fonts, please give our marketing department a call at 315-268-4153, and we'll be glad to help.
The Why Behind Clarkson’s Remarkable Return on Student Investment
Clarkson grads earn salaries that are among the top two percent nationwide. 为了最大限度地提高学生的收入潜力,布鲁金斯学会(Brookings Institution)将esball国际平台客户端列为全美前10所大学之一.
It has been said that no one arrives at Clarkson by accident. We would agree.
In fact, 我们会说,我们吸引的有才华和雄心勃勃的学者选择esball国际平台客户端,其意图和目的体现了我们的创始使命,并推动我们今天占据令人羡慕的地位-一所领先的国家研究型大学,是未来科学家选择的目的地, engineers, educators, entrepreneurs, business people, 卫生专业人员和富有想象力的领导者.
想要有目的地领导并找到解决方案的人选择esball国际平台客户端,以获得其他大学无法以同样的方式提供的东西, at the same scale — a transformative learning ethos that stretches the boundaries of business, engineering, 每个专业的学生都需要科学和技术. 我们的毕业生获得全国最高的薪水,因为他们获得了严格的经验,磨练了理解复杂系统所需的思维方式和技能, 点燃人员和学科之间的联系,为当今最棘手的挑战开发创造性的解决方案.
Like our graduates, 该大学也处于创新的前沿-在波茨坦到纽约市及其之间的走廊上扩展我们的校园足迹, the amplification of our signature research areas and the growth of our alumni and industry networks. Through this growth, we extend lifelong learning and economic development that creates societal wealth.
Ignite. Invest. Ensure.
在esball国际平台客户端的每一个阶段, you will be both the recipient and benefactor of Clarkson University’s mission.
我们的品牌——点燃, Invest, 确保-代表我们努力负责任地与esball国际平台客户端每个学生联系的基本属性, alum, faculty, 大学的职员及伙伴. 当这三个主题与你的实际故事相结合时,就会强化你是如何通过观众定义的利益和结果来提升esball国际平台客户端故事的一部分, we create a collection of dramatic key messages that are both relevant and important to our audiences.
Clarkson is a highly collaborative community that ignites connections across fields, industries and cultures. When you come to Clarkson, 你立即加入了一个强大而活跃的网络,重视每个成员的个人贡献-学生, alumni, faculty, 社区成员和企业合作伙伴都一样. To think, act and lead globally, 我们跨越学科来寻找新的解决方案,并加深我们对大学社区多样性的尊重.
我们与商业和工业合作开发创新项目和研究组合, 创造并实现更美好的未来. 我们投资于人才、创意和esball国际平台客户端. We give our time, resources and goodwill to drive the future.
我们都是金骑士,致力于esball国际平台客户端价值观的生活,并作为这些理想的典范分享我们的成功. Through the legacy of our personal accomplishments and generosity, 我们确保下一代有同样的机会为他们自己和社会创造一个更美好的世界.
From faculty to undergraduates, 我们追求跨学科的研究心态, skill sets and intellectual curiosity needed to rapidly solve real-world problems for a better future.
Healthy Global Solutions
我们家后院有广阔的阿迪朗达克公园, we embrace our legacy to create global solutions that ultimately protect air, water and habitats. 跨学科的教师团队跨领域合作,以减少环境污染和缺乏医疗保健对公众健康的威胁, as well as proactively integrate environmental concerns into best management practices. We develop the energy policies and technologies that lead to the creation of sustainable infrastructure, 智慧社区和社会安全.
Spanning all of our schools, 研究机构和行业合作伙伴, 我们可以轻松地跨越学科,了解来自无数来源和现代传感器技术设置的复杂多模态数据集中的关联, 富计算工程, to social media analytics. Our strengths in dynamical systems lead to innovations learned from data, sensors and controls, 商业智能和金融技术, and artificial intelligence.
Advanced Materials Development
与工业和国家实验室合作, our experts are solving the next wave of challenges confronting the fields of electronics, aeronautics, biotechnology, health, safety and security, mechanical systems, energy generation and storage, and manufacturing technology. 我们在定制材料设计方面的创新, synthesis and modeling, 功能材料与器件, sensors and sensing systems, 药物管理和诊断工具, and material sourcing and supply chains improve quality of life, accelerate technology performance and ensure sustainable management practices.
Our global world faces critical challenges to human health, now and in the decades ahead. At Clarkson, we engage in emerging approaches to innovative technologies for preventing, detecting and treating disease, including therapeutic strategies as well as strategies that change our how we make economic, entrepreneurial, social and ethical decisions. 我们与著名的特鲁多研究所和西奈山医院等组织有着密切的合作关系,这使我们处于引领新的医疗创新的最前沿, management and access.
Spanning Boundaries
Here, the most creative solutions are found through the intentional collision of disciplines. 从人文学科到商业, engineering to health sciences, and digital arts to bioethics, spanning boundaries at Clarkson harnesses our collective intelligence and fuels innovation.
Expanding the Field of Play
Our scholar-athletes, 以及学术和商业竞争对手, carry the same mind, heart, strength and passion to any competition that they bring to the classroom.
Practical Rigor
We approach everything we do with powerful intention, purpose and a get-it-done work ethic. Here, it’s about putting our ideas into action and making a difference along the way.
Collaborative Competition
The race to the finish line does not need to come at the expense of the team. 我们是一个共同取得更大成就的社区.
Failing Forward
Success is often hard-won. The path to innovation includes learning from our early failures to move forward. 我们欢迎实验,因为我们知道它能培养出能够应对任何挑战的独立思考者.
Transformative Impact
Clarkson changes people. 不管我们造成的影响有多大, 正是经历的个人和文化转变塑造了让我们与众不同的心态和技能.
Systems Thinkers
像工程师一样思考是有好处的. 我们的学生很受欢迎,因为他们学会了如何匹配环境和已知的规则来理解复杂的系统, understand how problems arise, 寻找机会,创造创造性的解决方案.
Adirondack Incubator
这个我们称之为家的世界角落一直吸引着那些关心大局和我们所享受的巨大山顶景色的聪明人. We have an emotional connection to the Adirondack Park and its harmonization of commerce, 公共政策和自然环境. It is our launch pad for innovation that now extends down the Clarkson Corridor.
America’s Corporate Partner
We have established partnerships with some of the nation’s biggest industry players. 随着我们不断扩大的地理足迹,这一名单呈指数级增长,并创造了一个非凡的专业网络.
Entrepreneurial Mindset
We’re a community of trailblazers — creative leaders unafraid to take risks, seize opportunities, get ideas noticed, 调集资源,重新开始.
Inclusion for Diversity
我们相信,任何与我们有共同精神的人,都应该接受延伸边界的教育,撸起袖子“创新”. 通过包容,我们建立了多样性.
Clarkson Logos
Clarkson Athletic Logos
- 绿色和金色esball国际平台客户端-文字标记锁定
- 白色esball国际平台客户端大纲-文字标记锁定
- 黑色esball国际平台客户端-文字标记锁定
- 绿色,金色和白色esball国际平台客户端-文字标记锁定
- 绿色和金色esball国际平台客户端金骑士-文字标记锁定
- Green and Gold Clarkson Golden Knights, White Text - Wordmark Lockup
- 白色轮廓esball国际平台客户端金骑士-文字标记锁定
- 白色和黑色esball国际平台客户端金骑士-文字标记锁定
- 绿色和金色的金骑士-文字标记锁定
- 绿色和金色的金骑士堆叠-文字标记锁定
- Green and Gold Golden Knights, White Text - Wordmark Lockup
- Green and Gold Golden Knights, White Text Stacked - Wordmark Lockup
- 白色轮廓金骑士-文字标记锁定
- 白色轮廓金骑士,堆叠-文字标记锁定
- 白色和黑色金骑士-文字标记锁定
- 黑白金骑士堆叠-文字标记锁定
- 绿色和金色CU金骑士-文字标记锁定
- 绿色esball国际平台客户端田径-脚本文字标记
- 金esball国际平台客户端田径-脚本Wordmark
- 黑色esball国际平台客户端田径-脚本文字标记
- 白色esball国际平台客户端田径-脚本Wordmark
- 绿色和金色esball国际平台客户端田径-脚本文字标记
- 黄金背景esball国际平台客户端田径-脚本Wordmark
- 绿色轮廓esball国际平台客户端田径-脚本文字标记
- Green Clarkson Athletics, Gold Background - Script Wordmark
- Gold Clarkson Athletics, Green Background - Script Wordmark
- White Clarkson Athletics, Green Background - Script Wordmark
- 绿色esball国际平台客户端黄金骑士-文字文字标记
- 金esball国际平台客户端金骑士-文字文字标记
- 黑色esball国际平台客户端金骑士-文字文字标记
- 白色esball国际平台客户端金骑士-文字文字标记
- 绿色和金色esball国际平台客户端金骑士-文字文字标记
- Green and Gold Clarkson Golden Knights, Gold Text - Script Wordmark
- Green and 白色esball国际平台客户端金骑士-文字文字标记
- 绿色轮廓esball国际平台客户端金骑士-脚本文字标记