健康 & 健康
联系 & Scheduling an Appointment with 健康 和 Counseling Services
Students can set up an appointment at SHAC by email at,致电(315)268-6633或亲自前往. 我们位于ERC一楼1300套房. The 健康 Center does accept same day appointments for urgent health concerns, 咨询中心确实为那些需要紧急心理健康服务的人提供危机/紧急预约.
如果你有esball国际平台客户端 学生健康与辅导 或娱乐与健身,请立即与我们联系.
心理咨询主任: Coreen波尔
学生健康处处长: Kelsie Fournier, mspa, PA-C
电话: 315-268-6633
医疗中心传真: 315-268-6448
咨询传真: 315-268-3798
校内及俱乐部体育联络: Erik Whitcombe
电话: 315-268-5954
健身中心主任(个人训练): 凯利诺曼
电话: 315-268-3768
营运经理(会籍): 马约莉Meashaw
电话: 315-268-6622
You don't have to be a varsity athlete to appreciate the thrill of competition. 我们的28个俱乐部运动和23个校内联赛和锦标赛让您有机会与esball国际平台客户端甚至其他学校的学生正面交锋.
Email 学生健康及辅导服务 (SHAC) at 或致电315-268-6633预约. You may also stop by SHAC in the ERC to request an appointment.
学生谘询中心可将学生转介至圣. 劳伦斯医疗系统的化验和x光检查单.
学时(学年期间): 周一至周五,上午8点.m.–4:30 p.m.
工作时间(夏季): 周一到周五,一般是早上8点.m.–4 p.m.
- 过敏注射*
- 慢性病的持续管理
- 对疾病或受伤的评估
- 健康教育与咨询
- 免疫接种(MMR, Tdap, PPD)*
- 流感疫苗接种,在整个秋季学期通过当地合作诊所提供
- 精神健康精神药物管理
- 体检*
- Preexposure Prophylaxis (PREP)* (there is a fee for lab testing)
- 推荐
- 性病和艾滋病毒检测和治疗*
- 旅游咨询
- 妇女保健,包括妇科护理、节育和紧急避孕*
*表示服务费用. 请致电315-268-6633查询更多信息.
Counseling Services can help you with these 和 more:
- 焦虑
- 适应变化
- 身体形象和饮食失调
- 面对你在乎的人的死亡
- 抑郁症
- 性别认同
- 关系问题
- 自尊
- 性侵犯或性骚扰
- 性
- 压力管理
- 药物滥用
Life-threatening health emergencies should report directly to the nearest emergency room. 如果您正在经历危及生命的医疗紧急情况或需要救护车运送, 请拨打911 or Campus Safety 和 Security at 315-268-6666.
校园安全和区域协调员可以全天候联系心理健康紧急情况辅导员. If you wish to speak with a counselor after hours about an urgent, 机密和/或敏感问题, ask either an area coordinator or a Campus Safety officer (315-268-6666), 和 say that you need to speak with a counselor regarding a confidential matter. 不需要透露更多的信息.
所有健康要求都是通过我们的 病人门户. 不接受纸质表格. 您可以通过PeopleSoft帐户在“待办事项”列表中找到所需项目的列表.
Proof of immunization against measles, 腮腺炎和风疹 (Required for all students)
You must have an official copy of your immunization history; copies of booklets are not accepted. 免疫记录必须是英文的. New York State requires students born on or after January 1, 1957, 提交麻疹免疫证明, 腮腺炎和风疹. 你必须接种两次MMR疫苗或两次麻疹和一次腮腺炎和风疹疫苗. 1957年1月1日之前出生的人必须接种一剂MMR疫苗或血清学免疫证明.
COVID vaccinations are not required to attend esball国际平台客户端 but are recommended
特定项目可能需要接种COVID-19疫苗. 健康科学系的学生, 例如, must be vaccinated to participate in external programs with different hospital systems. 如果不确定是否需要接种COVID疫苗,请直接联系您的项目.
Tuberculosis (TB) screening form (required for all students)
此表格必须由年满18岁的学生或家长/法定监护人填写并电子签名. 如果需要干扰素释放试验(IGRA)血液工作,则必须上传实验室结果. If the results of the IGRA bloodwork are positive or indeterminate, you must have a chest X-ray before you arrive on campus 和 upload the radiology results.
Please note: PPDs are only accepted for graduate health professions; all other students must complete IGRA bloodwork if required. (If IGRA bloodwork is required 和 not completed prior to admission, students will be charged $110; if a chest X-ray is required 和 not completed prior to arrival, 费用将由学生支付。.
在过去五年内未接种脑膜炎疫苗的学生必须填写此表格. If the student is under 18, it must be signed by a parent/guardian. This form is required under New York State Public 健康 Law.
esball国际平台客户端非远程课程学生的医疗保险是强制性的. Students must have health insurance through their parent/guardian’s policy, 他们自己的政策或者esball国际平台客户端的计划. 如果你没有医疗保险,请打电话 学生成就服务(SAS) 拨打315-268-6451购买大学计划.
esball国际平台客户端 works hard to ensure the health 和 safety of its students. Information regarding your past 和 present health is important for attaining this goal. 参加esball国际app健康专业项目、后备军官训练队或体育项目的学生必须完成体检.
Additional Requirements for Graduate 健康 Professions (PA, PT 和 OT Programs)
- Varicella: Two immunizations or positive titer results.
- 百白破疫苗:10年内.
- 乙肝:三次免疫或滴度阳性.
- 体检:临床工作前必须进行体检. Please contact the 健康 Center at 315-268-6633 before you complete this requirement.
- PPD: A two-step PPD will be required prior to clinical work. Please contact the 健康 Center at 315-268-6633 before you complete this requirement.
是的. You can stop by or make an appointment ahead of time by calling 315-268-6633.
What if a student needs medical attention when SHAC is closed?
非紧急医疗救助, students are directed to The Urgent Care Center (49 Lawrence Ave.波茨坦),每天早上8点开始营业.m.–8 p.m.,或CPH下班后诊所(80 E. 主圣.、广东). The clinic is approximately 11 miles from campus 和 is open Monday–Friday, 4 p.m.–9 p.m.; Saturday, 9 a.m.–5 p.m. 周日上午9点.m.–5 p.m.
用于紧急医疗救护, students are referred to the Canton-Potsdam Hospital Emergency Room (50 Leroy Street, 波茨坦), 距离esball国际平台客户端校区大约一英里.
请注意:紧急护理中心的账单, CPH业余诊所和波茨坦医院与esball国际平台客户端没有关联, 和 you may encounter a charge if you do not have accepted medical insurance coverage.
If I have a prescription, can I get it filled at SHAC?
不,我们不在SHAC开处方. 如果你有处方要配药, 当地的药店是肯尼制药公司, 沃尔格林或沃尔玛, 都在离校园五英里的范围内, 或广州的砍价者, 大约11英里外.
SHAC can refill some common prescriptions for local pickup. For information about refilling them during the academic year, please call 315-268-6633.
Will my parents be notified if I have been to SHAC or if I am sick?
No. 在SHAC获得的治疗是保密的, 我们只会与接受服务的学生签署的同意书上列出的个人讨论您的访问.
是的, students will need to bring any ongoing prescription medications.
We also recommend the following health-related items:
- 布织绷带
- 邦迪牌创可贴
- 止咳感冒药
- Fever reducer/pain reliever medications such as ibuprofen 和 acetaminophen
- 健康保险卡或复印件
- 可重复使用的冷敷袋
- 温度计
There is no additional cost for students to see our counselors.
Can parents talk to the counselor about their son/daughter?
父母 can contact us to ask questions about our services. However, students must contact us directly to request an appointment. 联邦保密法禁止我们在没有学生书面许可的情况下分享任何esball国际平台客户端特定学生的信息.
Can a student get psychopharmacological medications through SHAC?
精神健康中心的健康和咨询人员可以共同评估对药物的需求,以解决精神健康问题. SHAC为那些可能受益于与心理健康相关的药物治疗的学生提供了许多选择. 这些可能包括来自我们校园医疗从业者的亲自评估和处方,或者通过我们的在线合作伙伴与精神科护士进行远程医疗会议, 咒语.
Can you make referrals to outside private practitioners?
SHAC staff refers to both local outside private practitioners, as well as professionals local to the student’s home community. 在圣. 劳伦斯县, there are limited psychiatric services available to students, but the staff makes every effort to connect a student to the best resources available.
We are legally 和 ethically obligated to protect every student’s right to privacy.
健康和咨询记录是严格保密的,并按照联邦和纽约州法律进行保存, including the Family Educational Rights 和 Privacy Act (FERPA).
We will not release information to anyone outside the Center, 包括家庭, 父母或法定监护人, esball国际平台客户端 faculty/staff or outside agencies, 未经学生书面授权, 除非法律要求.
在医疗紧急情况下, only relevant health information will be released to another healthcare provider. If a student wishes to have their records released to another provider, 授权表格可在中心获得.
For specific questions, please call the 学生健康与辅导 Center.
危及生命的突发卫生事件应直接向最近的急诊室报告, 和, may require transport by ambulance to the nearest emergency room. If you are experiencing a life-threatening medical emergency, 请拨打911, 或校园安全(315-268-6666)
正常营业时间内, 咨询服务为那些需要在同一天见的人留出了危机时间. 如果你有紧急情况,需要立即就诊,咨询员会安排的. 辅导员24/7随叫随到,应校园安全和地区协调员的要求,应对心理健康紧急情况. If you wish to speak with a counselor after hours about an urgent, 机密和/或敏感问题,你可以向区域协调员或校园安全官员提出请求,只需要表明你需要与顾问就机密问题交谈. 无需透露更多信息.